Another Solution for the Last Entry: Using Official Setting
There is another solution for mounting any folders out of data directory of ownCloud 8.
Please read carefully the document: Configuring External Storage (
Disclaimer: The developer insists this "external storage support" is only for "Enterprise Edition". This is only a report of my trial on open source edition of ownCloud 8.2.1. I don't assure any occasions on you by following this procedure.
I tried by starting from writing configuration file because screen shots on the document looks not only for "Enterprise Edition". But another document regarding to the GUI settings includes a "Enterprise Edition" logo in a screenshot.
After several trials, I could operate GUI screen even on the open source edition, but I don't describe the way for it. One reason is a due diligence, but anyway I could not have yet making it clear how I reached at that point.
I tried by starting from writing configuration file because screen shots on the document looks not only for "Enterprise Edition". But another document regarding to the GUI settings includes a "Enterprise Edition" logo in a screenshot.
After several trials, I could operate GUI screen even on the open source edition, but I don't describe the way for it. One reason is a due diligence, but anyway I could not have yet making it clear how I reached at that point.
Procedure with writing configuration file is following. This is only a shortcut of the original document.
- Enable "External storage support" app. One way is using Web GUI, another way is using ${owncloud}/occ command as described in the document. Both works fine. But before doing it, you might be better checking if your system already have "smbclient" command (from Samba3 package, etc) and PHP-FTP extension. Either of these are missing, ownCloud shows warning messages on the admin screen.
- Compose "data/mount.json" file with a text editor. My setting was like following:
The property "\/$user\/files\/foo" is a mount point of user's (in this case, "tkamada") ownCloud data folder, and the value of the other property "datadir" in "options" property is a real local directory path that you want to show. In this case, it is an external drive mounted on the Mac as "/Volumes/HDD", which have a subfolder "Musics".{ "user": { "tkamada": { "\/$user\/files\/Musics": { "class": "\\OC\\Files\\Storage\\Local", "options": { "datadir": "\/Volumes\/HDD\/Musics" }, "priority": 150 } } } }
After saving your configuration file, Reload the screen of ownCloud's Web app (or mobile app), Then you will see the "Musics" folder aligned with original "Documents" and "Photos" folders.
設定ファイルを書くまでの手順はドキュメント「Configuring external storage (Configuration File)」にありますが、今回はローカルにあるディレクトリをマウントする場合に限って書いておきます。SMBやGoogle Drive, Dropbox等の設定は、ドキュメントに沿ってください。
- Web画面左上のアプリ追加「+」ボタンから、「無効なアプリ」にある、「External storage support」を「有効にする」ボタンを押します。このあとWebのホーム画面に戻ると、「ファイル」画面の左下に「外部ストレージ」が追加されます。これをクリックすると、「個人設定で追加できます」と言われますが、画面右上の自分のユーザ名メニューから「個人」を選んでいき、設定画面に追加された「外部ストレージ」GUIは、どこをクリックしても何も操作できませんでした。何度か試してみて、個人設定にいきなり入るのは避けたほうがよいようなので、ひとまず「クリックしない」方向で作業を進めるのがよいと思います。
- 次に、データ置き場である「data」フォルダの直下に、「mount.json」設定ファイルを作ります。名前の通り、JSON形式で記述します。例えば、/Volumes/HDD/Musics という外部HDD以下の音楽ライブラリを、"Musics"という名前で並べたければ、data/mount.jsonファイルの内容として、以下のように書くことになります。
トップレベルには、「group」「user」「特定ユーザ名(登録した人)」を書くことができるようです。それぞれ、登録したグループ、ユーザ、個別ユーザ、という意味に対応します。{ "user": { "tkamada": { "\/$user\/files\/Musics": { "class": "\\OC\\Files\\Storage\\Local", "options": { "datadir": "\/Volumes\/HDD\/Musics" }, "priority": 150 } } } }
"class": "\\OC\\Files\\Storage\\Local",
"options": { "datadir": "マウント元のフルパス" },
"priority": 150